Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
We speak with Lisa about her fertility treatment and how she had always thought she may need some assistance with getting pregnant.
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
Kellie surrogate egg donation IVF Clomid
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
This weeks episode brings you Kellies story on IVF, international surrogacy and egg donation. Kellie is a mother of twins, an author, speaker and infertility advocate. She takes us through her journey of ovulation induction, 6 full swim cycles and moving onto egg donation and international surrogacy. We discuss how she felt navigating the decision to not be the genetic parent to her children and how she processed that decision.
Kellie has written two amazing books called Long-Awaited child, and Achieving Parenthood, The Struggles are Real, The Hope is Eternal. You can find more info on her website https://kellieharriden.com/
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Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Kirsty walks us through her fertility journey being diagnosed with PCOS and diabetes, being put on metformin and beginning IVF. She initially went to a bulk billing IVF clinic, however, they told her she needed to lose weight in order to begin treatment. Kirsty talks to us about her treatment, and how she has navigated personal relationships and the things that have come up for her during her treatment.
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Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Naomi PCO IVF ENDO Childless not by choice
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Today Naomi talks to us about how she tried for a baby for 5 years. She has other symptomatologies such as a frozen pelvis and mixed connective tissue disease, which is similar to lupus. Naomi takes us through her diagnose of stage 4 endo, 3 surgeries within six months and about what it is like to face the prospect of not having a child from IVF. We are so grateful for Naomi being so open about her journey as this is a side of fertility treatment that isn’t openly discussed.
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Monday Mar 07, 2022
Bonnie and Mitch endometriosis adenomyosis
Monday Mar 07, 2022
Monday Mar 07, 2022
Bonnie and Mitch talk to us about tracking ovulation, IVF, miscarriage and feeling let down by your care provider. Along with being diagnosed with endometriosis and adenomyosis when trying for their second baby. Bonnie and Mitch also how they maintained their connection when dealing with the strain fertility treatment can bring to relationships.
Sunday Dec 13, 2020
Donna IVF Instagram Live
Sunday Dec 13, 2020
Sunday Dec 13, 2020
This episode was recorded a little differently, as an instagram live! We sat with Donna the founder of The Conceiving Mind, and asked her how to survive the Christmas season while going through fertility treatment. The questions came in from you, our listeners, as we know how hard it can be to get through this ‘festive’ period while being in limbo with your treatment.
Donna started The Conceiving Mind after going through fertility treatment herself and noticing a gap in treatment- emotional support. She developed an evidence based online program that guides people going through the three types of fertility treatment in 10 modules. Currently, Donna has partnered with a large IVF clinic in Brisbane to bring her program to their patients. A massive congratulations to Donna and Eve for prioritising patients mental and emotional well being during treatment.
More information can be found at: https://www.theconceivingmind.com/
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Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
This weeks episode brings you Beths IVF journey. Beth describes volunteering to be an egg donor for some friends and finding out she is a carrier for Tay Sachs gene, and how this led to her down the road of IVF. Candidly, she discusses going through a bulk billing clinic, multiple rounds of IVF and early miscarriage. Beth had to actively advocate for herself, armed with information she requested extensive testing on her husbands sperm and her own body, despite her doctor not recommending the treatment. Eventually, she sought a second opinion with a private clinic, had a laparoscopy and was diagnosed with stage 3 Endometriosis and a blocked fallopian tube. We chat quite a bit about miscarriage and the ideas around sharing pregnancies in the first trimester in order to receive support.
Since the interview, Beth has undergone her 5th round of IVF, although this time ICSI was the preferred method. They got 14 eggs, 8 mature and all 8 fertilised! Beth was able to transfer two beautiful blastocysts, however, there were none to freeze. She had an implant bleed at 6dp5dt and a strong positive home test the next day, but then 2 days later the home tests got lighter and it was confirmed that sadly Beth was losing her two babes to early miscarriage. Currently, she is engaging with treatment with a private specialist and is potentially looking into egg donation.
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Monday Oct 12, 2020
Brioney IVF MC BFP Bulk Billing
Monday Oct 12, 2020
Monday Oct 12, 2020
This weeks episode brings you Brioneys story with her fertility journey. Her and her husband Stuart knew that they wanted children and started quite quickly once they were married. Brioney fell pregnant with twins, sadly however, she miscarried those babies at 8 weeks. Throughout her episode we chat about Bulk Billing IVF, bring 40 with low AMH, and undergoing her egg pickup awake. She also discusses how going through IVF has impacted her relationship with those around her, in her bright and bubbly way. There is also some happy news that at the time of recording Brioney was pregnant, and has since had her beautiful baby Billie! Congratulations to Brioney and Stuart on their new arrival 😊
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Monday Sep 28, 2020
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Monday Sep 28, 2020
In this weeks episode we chat with Megan about her IVF journey. Initially, their GP told her husband that there are no issues with her husbands sperm. After googling and realising that the numbers were quite low, she returned and demanded a referral to a fertility specialist. Megan chats about how she accessed her super to fund her treatment, OHSS, her miscarriage and finally getting a BFP which resulted in her little baby. We had such a lovely time talking to Megan, and learning about her pregnancy and postpartum period after going through IVF. We hope you enjoy listening to todays episode!
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Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
In this weeks episode, we chat with Emma and she recounts her fertility story. Emma chats about a few things that we haven’t touched on before, such as a post coital tests, adenomyosis and a tubal patency test. We also touch on her miscarriages and how Emma felt having those around her fall pregnant, while struggling to remain pregnant herself. When we interviewed Emma she was in the first trimester of pregnancy, and we are so happy to announce that she is currently 34 weeks pregnant and awaiting the arrival of her little one.
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